A scroll for culture
Wanna heer about us ?
I'm Kevin, a literature student.
Under the nickname of ''Phorcys'' hides a reference to an obscure sea god from Greek mythology.
Because the Mythology represents for me the perfect example of what I want to show here : The significance of fictional stories and cultural objects in a society, and what those things reveal about that society.
Loving Series, movies, video-games, litterature but also history and ancient beliefs, I will try to show the interest of some of the most know artworks, which are also the most devaluated by cultivated public, and the link between noble art and pop-culture.
Wok Legend
I am a second year Philosophy student and one of the writers of this blog.
I currently am in Japan for a 6 months internship and I try to embrace Japanese culture as much as I can. This is part of why I chose this pseudo : "Wok Legend". First of all, I am enjoying japanese food and cooking at its best right now and second, it is an anagram of "k n o w l e d g e" which matches the cultural aspect of our blog ;)
The main passions I wish to share might deal with the underestimated beauty of animation, the often hard to find entertainment of classical french litterature, or the daily use of practical philosophy ; but it might also deal with anything else. I hope you will enjoy our blog and the upcoming articles.
​See you soon!
Robin Pad
Hi everyone !
I'm Justine, a student in her second year of Litterature bachelor's degree and one of the authors of this blog.
My pseudo refers to 3 things:
I'm in love with birds (And robin birds of course): I like to observe them, learn their sings, the way they live, they fly...
I love fairy-tales, and I've always been fascinated with Robin hood
Well I'm writing on a keypad so you know...
Concerning me, I like every type of art​, I'm very curious about art history, author's lifes, discovering new painters, seeing expositions, movies...but of course my predilection subject is litterature :)
I'm also trying to be as feminist as I can and will try to promote women's artworks and forgotten female artists !
To finish with I'm writing sometimes and I enjoy that ! So see you soon !